Executive Assessment
The goal of the eGPS & LeaderShift assessment center is to provide our clients with a resource that satisfies the majority of their assessments requirements.
eGPS & LeaderShift Assessments are tools that can be used for a variety of applications including:
- Job Modeling
- Executive Assessment
- Gap Analysis
- Performance Management
- Personal Coaching & Development
Great success comes when an individual is properly matched to the requirements of a specific position and environment. Unfortunately, all to often, this is not the case which leads to frustration, slow start up, poor performance, attrition, and lost opportunities. The eGPS & LeaderShift assessment center enables clients to use state-of-the-art tools to build a complete selection process for any position. Our "best of breed" instruments TriMetrix HD, enables us to build the "ideal" model for each position which includes the key behaviors (DISC), motivators (values), acumen (potential), and competencies (personal skills) for success.
Were also certfied experts in Lominger Leadership Architect and DDI, so we can collaborate with multi-national clients in the use and application of these globally successful tools in a comprehensive, integrated set of commonly used tools to give executives, managers and human resource professionals the ability to put research based leadership and organizational development best practices into action.
Armed with eGPS, clients can implement an array of competency based HR tools efficiently, effectively and with confidence.
The job modeling and selection process can help eliminate many of the pitfalls of hiring in today's complex and competitive market. The tools and process can help you improve candidate selection, job performance, employee satisfaction and on-going results through "personalized" development options and recommendations.
The selection system includes Job Profiling, Performance Benchmarking, Gap Analysis and the use of specialized assessments to help you identify the best possible candidates for any position including individual contributor, middle management and leadership positions.
The job profiling tools can be extremely valuable for organization development, succession and career planning for organizations, departments and individuals who want to accurately match peoples strengths - where they can excel.
Our portfolio of assessment instruments also include: Watson-Glaser and Raven's Advanced Progressive Matrices to assess critical thinking, reasoning, decision making and intelligence which are critical in predicting judgment, problem solving, creativity and more.
To serve clients with established tools and processes in place, we're also certified and offer the full suite of Myers-Briggs (MBTI) instruments.
For executive coaching and development the tools are used to accelerate performance by identifying obstacles and options for personal, partnership & team development.
Consider the advantages:
- Better position matching by defining the ideal characteristics for success
- Lower attrition, replacement & training costs
- More objectivity in hiring decisions
- Faster ramp up to required productivity levels
- Enhanced Employee satisfaction
- A proven way to define needed skills
- Customization using a proven methodology
Assessing, selecting and retaining your leadership team is critical to driving revenue growth and meeting future business challenges.

Since every client is different, every executive search is unique. What remains constant are the high standards we apply when conducting an executive search. We employ a systematic approach that is both comprehensive in scope involving an in-depth investigation of a wide field of well-qualified individuals - and swift. We recognize that most of our clients have urgent needs, and we aim to meet those needs quickly.
We employ a detailed “Lean-Sigma” approach to our executive search process that employs our own internal “Best Practices” not the least of which include transparent milestones and value stream mapping. We conduct all executive searches as discreetly as possible, guaranteeing the confidentiality sought by clients and potential candidates alike.
Boutique executive search services with best in class global network, contacts and market mastery.
Deeply connected and engaged personal service approach, long-term investment in client community and 25 year history of strong relations with both Multi-National leaders and Private Equity partners.